
  1. Indonesia's immediate and absolute independence.
  2. Establish a federation of republics of the various islands of Indonesia.
  3. To immediately organize a national assembly, representing all sectors of people and religion throughout Indonesia.
  4. To immeditaely grant full voting rights to the Indonesian population, both men and women.


  1. Nationalize factories, and mines, such as coal, oil, and gold mines.
  2. Nationalize forestries and large modern plantations such as sugar, rubber, tea, coffee, quinine, coconut, indigo, and casava plantations.
  3. Nationalize transport and traffic equipment.
  4. Nationalize large banks, corporations, and trading companies.
  5. Elecrification of the whole of Indonesia and establishing new industries with the help of the state, such as weaving mills, machinery, and shipping.
  6. Establish people's cooperatives by providing cheap loans by the state.
  7. Provide livestock and tools to the peasantry to improve their agriculture and establish public collective farms.
  8. Moving large numbers of people at state expense from Java to the outer islands.
  9. Distribute vacant land to the landless and poor peasants by providing financial assistance to cultivate the land.
  10. Abolish feudal remnants and landed estates and distribute the land to poor unlanded peasants.


  1. Set a minimum wage, seven hours of work and improve the working and living conditions of the workers.
  2. Protect workers by recognising the workers' right to strike.
  3. Workers get a share of the profits of big industries.
  4. Set up workers councils in large industries.
  5. Separate the state from the Church or Mosque and recognise religious freedom.
  6. Provide social, economic and political rights to every Indonesian citizen, both men and women.
  7. Nationalize large residences, build new residences and distribute residences to state workers.
  8. Large amount of effort shall be used to fight against infectious diseases.


  1. Education is compulsory and provided free of charge to all Indonesian children up to the age of 17, with Indonesian as the main national language and English as the primary foreign language.
  2. Abolish the current system of education and establish a new system, based directly on the needs of existing or prospective industries.
  3. Improve and expand schools for artisanship, agriculture and commerce, and improve and expand technical colleges and schools for administrators.


  1. Abolish the imperialistic military and establish a people's militia to defend the Republic of Indonesia.
  2. Abolish the rule of living in a fortress or camp and all rules that degrade rank-and-file soldiers, and allow them to live in the villages and in the houses that will be built for them, give them good treatment and increase their salary.
  3. Granting rank-and-file soldiers the full right to organise and hold meetings.

Police and Justiciary

  1. Separate the civil service, police and justiciary.
  2. Give every person indicted the full right to defend themselves before a court of law against attacks and discharge the indicted person within 24 hours, if the evidence and witnesses are insufficient.
  3. Every case having a valid ground shall be heard within five days in an open, orderly and proper court.

Action Programmes

  1. Demand a seven-hour workday, minimum wage and better working conditions for the workers and their livelihoods.
  2. Recognise Trade Unions and the right to strike.
  3. Organising workers for economic and political rights.
  4. Abolish poenale sanctie[18]
  5. Abolish laws and regulations that oppress political movements, such as strike bans, press bans, meeting bans and teaching bans, and also recognise full freedom of movement.
  6. Demand the right to demonstrate, reinforced by mass demonstrations throughout Indonesia against economic and political oppression, such as against tax legislation, and demanding the immediate release of political exiles; such mass action should be reinforced by general strikes and mass disobedience.
  7. Demand the abolition of the Volksraad Raad van Indie[19] and the Algemeene Secretaris, and establish a National Assembly. A National Assembly from which a Workers' Council will be elected, responsible to the National Meeting.

[18] The poenale sanctie (penal sanction) was a legal penalty in both Suriname and the Dutch East Indies. The poenale sanctie was a part of the Koelie Ordonnantie ('Coolie Ordinance') of 1880 and stipulated that a plantation-owner could punish his workers in any manner he saw fit, including fines.

[19] An advisory body for the colonial government made up mostly of dutch and indies nationals, not to be confused with the \emph{volksraad} which was a later institution borned out of the ethical policy that allowed educated aristocrats of the Indonesian population to participate.