Revolution is not a magical idea, or even special, nor is it born on the orders of great men. The competency and great traits of an individual in building revolution, carrying it out, and leading it to victory, revolution cannot be created by the few "great men" of history. A revolution is caused by material conditions, specific conditions caused by the masses. Or in a more dynamic word, it is the certain and inevitable result of class contradiction that are becoming sharper by the day. The intensification of contradiction is determined by multiple factors: economics, social, political, and psychological. The concentration of wealth on one side causes the suffering and slavery of the other. In short, the greater the inequality between the ruling class and the ruled, the bigger the spectre of revolution is. The goal of a revolution is to determine which class will hold state power, politics, economics, and such revolution will be executed “violently”.

On top of the old, arise a new order that has won. Thus, feudal society is pushed by the capitalist society, which now is fighting desperately against the working masses that aims to achieve “A classless communist society”, otherwise, if all human beings that exist now are completely destroyed surely there will be a process of werden undvergehen, that is a perpetual class struggle until we reach a classless society. (according to Karl Marx).

In prehistoric times, when knowledge wetenschap was still young, every struggle in darkness (classes) were illuminated by various religions; The struggle resembles that of religion; for example the contradiction of Brahmanism and Buddhism, Ahriman, Zoroastrian with Ormus (light and dark), Mosaicism with Israelism, then Catholicism with Protestantism. However, in reality, it is all a class struggle for economic and political power.

Then after science and the scientific method have been perfected, after humanity has discarded some or even all of their dogma, after humanity has become more intelligent and could think about human interaction, and class contradiction has been integrated into the consciousness of the masses. In the struggle for justice and politics, humanity will no longer have the need to pursue God, or verses in holy texts, but go straight to the logical material reasons that worsen or improves life. It is only around this that people's minds will dwell and it is called the ideals of state government. To that problem, all political activity is directed.

When life was still simple and mainly dependent on artisans and agriculture, in short feudalism, a person with the blood of kings, even if they are as dumb as a bull, “could ascend the throne with the help of priests and nobles”, controlling the fate of millions of people.

Such a way of government becomes insignificant when the mode of production progress and feudalism have become obsolete and it too will hinder the progress of industry. A new class, the “bourgeoisie” that controls the new mode of production (capitalism), feels discontent because of the lack of political rights. They demanded the government be handed over to those who were more competent and the government could be “appointed” or “relegated” by the people. The political dream of the bourgeoisie is democracy and parliamentarism. They demanded the abolition of all special feudal privileges and demanded the establishment of a system of income and distribution (capitalist distribution).

If the king's courtiers and his priests insist on keeping their power they will surely be destroyed in the fire of revolution. The “bourgeois revolution" of 1789 as the fruit of relentless conflict between feudalism and capitalism made France the pioneer of so many revolutions that later broke out throughout Europe.

The fate of the French king (that was overthrown) was also suffered by the Tsar of Russia that tried to suppress the bourgeoisie and workers through superstitious powers and violence in the captivity of decaying feudalism.

The revolutionary ideals went on without regarding the suppression, bullets, and torture that can't even be described by the pen of Dostoyevsky. In the dark caves, in the mines of Siberia, in the filthy, freezing, and cramped prisons, the revolutionary ideas and wills learned are invaluable. The empire, church, and Duma (Russian parliament) in a short amount of time were swept away by an unstoppable wave of revolutionaries. In the worker's revolution of November 1917, it was clear that the working class had the power and will to go beyond the bourgeoisie.

The king of England, George III, who ignored the history of his nation thought that a strong fleet and the greatness of his wealth could hinder the growth of social progress. The nation of North America (USA), despite its small number, lack of experience in the matter of enlightenment, money, and other material means, was able to achieve their independence after such relentless struggle.

Only after the economic and political shackles were broken from British imperialism that North America could step into a wealth of power and culture that is truly unique in its history.

Had they not twice embarked on a revolution (in 1860), North America would not have been known to the world other than as another Australia or Canada.

Social revolution is not solely limited to Europe, but it's a universal phenomenon that does not depend on a nation or state. Didn't Japan 60 years ago (1868) destroyed all the privileges of the feudal lords through revolution? After the civil war, The Empire of The Rising Sun disappeared.

In short, the path of revolution and national liberation (which can be included in social revolution), that all big and modern nations without exception, breaks free from the confines of class and colonialist society.

Revolution is not only to punish all vicious acts, deceit, and tyranny but also to achieve the full reparation of wrongdoing.

It is in the revolutionary period that the peak of moral strength is reached, the intelligence of the mind is born and the ability to establish a new society is realised.

If the class of a nation is unable to destroy the obsolete old society and slavery through revolution, it will surely be destroyed or cursed to be eternal slaves.

Revolution creates!