A difficult but sacred task is now placed on the shoulders of every Indonesian to liberate 55 million people from hundreds of years of slavery, and lead them to the gates of a new life.

The past, the Hindu and Islamic colonialism and the dark age of "superstition", cannot help us one bit. Let us now build a steel barrier between the past and the future, and never look back and try to use that ancient power to promote a happy society. Let us use our "rational" minds because such knowledge and thinking is the highest level of human civilisation and the first step towards the future. A rational way of thinking leads to the control of natural resources that bring benefits, and to their proper use - on which the fate of mankind depends more and more. Only a rational way of thinking and labour can lead mankind from superstition, famine, pestilence and slavery, to righteousness. We hold the wisdom and customs and righteousness of the Orient in high esteem. But they do not bring enlightenment, the pursuit of civilisation and progress, the ideal of a good, high, good society, nor do they make a mark in the history of the world. Praise the intelligence of the East, possessor of its own mind, the mysticism or spirituality of the East, if you like. They are actually the origin of the misery and torture of killing the spirit of labour in a society unfit for human civility. Man must be empowered, dare to struggle, to lose or win in his endeavours. Therefore, remove all kinds of complacency that nourish the slave spirit and discard hollow guilt because it is a delusion of the mind.

Humankind must break all that hinders its freedom. It must be free! A nation too must be free to think and endeavour. So it must stand or change with minds and labour in accordance with its abilities, emotions and will. Every person or nation must utilise its energies for the promotion of the common human civilization. Otherwise, they are not worthy of being a human being or a nation and in essence are not the least bit different from an animal.

But you 55,000,000 Indonesians will never be free as long as you have not removed all the " superstitious filth" from your heads, as long as you still worship the ancient culture of passivity and petrification, and as long as you are of the spirit of slaves. You must unite the economic and social forces available to you today to oppose the fragmenting Western imperialism with the weapon of the revolutionary-proletarian spirit, dialectical materialism. You must not be outdone by the Westerners in thought, enquiry, honesty, joy, willingness to make all kinds of sacrifices. Nor should you be defeated by them in social struggle. Sincerely admit that you can and must learn from the West. But you must not be an imitator of the West, but a disciple from the East who is intelligent, follows the will of nature and can surpass the intelligence of his teachers in the West.

Until the Indonesian nation understands and uses the skills and knowledge of the West, it has not yet graduated from the Western school. Therefore, do not fall into the error of thinking that the past or present Eastern culture is superior to the present Western culture. You can say this when you have surpassed the knowledge, skills and methods of Westerners. At the very least, if your society has produced someone who is greater than Newton, Marx and Lenin, then you can be proud. At this time it is futile and unworthy of you to say that you are "smarter" and do not need to learn anymore, because there is so much that you do not know. Even if it comes from a former student who has forgotten the teachings of his teacher. You should not boast of your superiority because you are not yet worthy of being a disciple, as evidenced by the ignorance and superstitious roots that are still tangled in your head. Only when all these complications have disappeared from your head will you be considered a disciple, and begin to make full use of the "new" mind.

Hence, do not hesitate to take your freedom if you want to be a Western disciple. Also don't forget that you are not yet a student, not even a human being, if you don't want to be free and learn to work for yourself! For the Indonesian people, there is no hope of progress under the heel of Dutch imperialism. If one wants to climb the social and cultural ladder, one must first be independent. As for the notion of independence, it was in the West that it was born and utilised.

A person who wants to become a Western disciple or a human being should become free by using rational Western weapons. When he can use them, then he can create a new and rational way of life.

Then the skills and courage according to nature can grow, and with that, the immeasurable wealth of the Indonesian land can be cultivated and used for the dignity of the Indonesian people who have been oppressed and suffering for so long under the footsteps of the Dutch.

Therefore, O revolutionaries, prepare your ranks with all haste! Unite the millions of workers and peasants, as well as the urban populace and the intelligentsia in one proletarian mass party.

Show every freedom-loving Indonesian what Indonesian independence means in terms of material and ideas. Call and rally the millions from town and country, coast and mountain, under the revolutionary banner. Guide the hands of the toilers and slaves today and tomorrow; bring them against the enemy's well-organised fortress! That is your place, leaders of the revolution! In front of the ranks of the army is where you stand and mobilise your comrades against the enemy; this is the duty of a lion-hearted people! Establish in the midst of your army a centre of leadership, where you shall give orders to all those who are thirsty and starving, and surely your word will be heard and obeyed.

You, the modern orator Homeric hero, call out in the midst of the masses who eagerly await your arrival with cheers and excitement.

And with your oration, strengthen the weak, open the eyes of the blind, pierce the ears of the deaf, awaken the slumbering, make the seated stand and make the standing walk; that is the duty of a person who knows the duty of the sons and daughters of their motherland. That is where you stand and will stand, there until your life is taken by the bullet or the sword of the enemy, cruel and wretched.

That is your duty!

You heroes of the revolutionary forces! Lead the masses of the hungry, the poor, the despised, the destitute, the starving through the enemy's ranks and tear down his stronghold, take his life, break his bones, plant your banner on his stronghold. do not let the flag be lowered or altered by anyone. Protect it with your flesh, your life, and your bones. That is the rightful place for you, sons and daughters of Indonesia, where your blood is shed.

Let the aforementioned always be a memento for all of us. Together with the masses, we march for our rights and freedom.